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The Chair of the Board of Trustees is Mr Maurice Jones.

The Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees is Mrs Dorothy Dodds.

The Chair of the Board of Trustees can be contacted via

Shared Vision Learning Trust Governance documents are available for public inspection, excluding from any item any personal information relating to Trust employees, pupils or any other information considered to be confidential by Trustees.

Please contact Mrs E Campbell, Company Secretary with your request using the contact details below:


Registered Office: Shared Vision Learning Trust, Alderman Leach Drive, Darlington Co Durham DL2 2GF

Telephone: 01325 380792


Mr Lewis Goodwin 

Mr John Barrie Armstrong (Member Appointed)

Mr Jack Conway (Member Appointed)

Mrs Ann Williams (Member Appointed)

Mrs Janine Gleeson (Member Appointed)

board of TRUSTEES 


CHAIR : Mr Maurice D Jones (Member Appointed)
VICE CHAIR: Mrs Dorothy Dodds (Member Appointed)
Mrs Abigail Rowcroft (Member Appointed)
Mrs Christine Scarr (Member Appointed)
Mrs Roxanne Gilroy (Member Appointed)
Mrs Amy Houghton-Moody (Member Appointed)
Mr Richie Johnson (Member Appointed)
Mrs Samantha Hirst (Ex Officio - Staff)
Mrs Elysia Waller (Parent Elected)
Miss Nic Marlor (Parent Elected)


Mrs Elizabeth Campbell